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Storträffen Meetup spring 2025

Teaching for the Future - with today's resources and challenges

The Faculty Council of KTH Royal Institute of Technology emphasises the importance of university-wide exchange and learning as part of the systematic quality work. To strengthen the exchange of experience and continuous quality development of our educational programmes, the Storträffen meetup is arranged every semester for all staff and students.
This time, the Storträffen meetup is co-organized with the higher education pedagogy conference KTH SoTL 2025.

Time: Tue 2025-05-20 12.00 - 16.45

Location: Q1

Language: English

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Welcome to an inspiring afternoon about KTH's programmes and teaching

Welcome to Storträffen Meetup spring 2025. As usual, the autumn semester's Storträffen meetup on education at all levels warmly invites all teachers, students, and staff at KTH and within the Stockholm Trio university alliance. Both new and experienced participants are welcome.

The event will begin and end with plenary sessions in lecture hall Q1, while the majority of the afternoon will be dedicated to group discussions in the Q building's seminar rooms.

KTH SoTL 2025 - Taking Learning Seriously

Storträffen Meetup spring 2025 is co-organized with KTH's higher education pedagogy conference, KTH SoTL 2025. By registering for the Storträffen Meetup, you will also gain access to all posters and presentations at KTH SoTL 2025.

You are also welcome to submit a conference contribution/example of how you have worked to enhance learning in your course/teaching, no later than March 17.

More information about KTH SoTL 2025 and how to submit contributions can be found here .

What would you like to discuss or learn more about?

The Storträffen Meetup has evolved over the years to accommodate various interests regarding discussion topics, demonstrations, and information.

When registration opens on April 17, 2025, you will have the opportunity to vote on the topics you would like to discuss, learn more about, or participate actively in.

You are also welcome to suggest discussion topics for the Storträffen Meetup  even before registration opens.

Programme will be published a few days before Storträffen

Storträffen meetup & Priority groups

In order to strengthen KTH-wide cooperation, exchange of experience and continuous quality improvement of our programmes, the Storträff is arranged every semester. In addition, there are several thematic groups, so-called Priority groups. These arenas are open to everyone at KTH, teachers, students and staff alike.

The storträffen meetup takes place once per term. It captures experiences and views on over a dozen themes. Those who are table leaders are responsible for summarizing and formulating how KTH could jointly move forward. The Priority groups gather around individual specific themes and meet during the year to discuss further ideas.
All KTH staff and students are also welcome.

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Last changed: Feb 27, 2025