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Characterisation of the digital transformation in manufacturing: A business model perspective


The Sustainable Transformation Seminar Autumn 2023 series second seminar is held by speaker Eleonora Boffa, a KTH doctoral student, with the title "Characterisation of the digital transformation in manufacturing: A business model perspective". The format is a 25-minute presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.

Tid: Fr 2023-10-27 kl 12.15 - 13.00

Plats: Zoom

Språk: English

Medverkande: Eleonora Boffa, Doctoral student at KTH Department of Production Engineering

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The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2023 series is held monthly, usually on a Friday. The seminar series will continue to be online.

Seminar description

Digital transformation (DT) is emerging as a series of technological inventions that promise to revolutionise the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, inventions per se have no value. They must be coupled with a proper application to unlock their embedded value. The strategic literature presents a holistic concept of business model (BM) as a synthesis of this application process.

For manufacturing companies embarking on a DT journey, this means that adopting new digital technologies is not simply the process of introducing inventions in their production environments to solve problems: it is a process often involving a structural rethink of the company’s BM, i.e., finding a proper application for the technology.

This seminar will focus on the central role of BM in the DT journey of manufacturing companies, and it will describe the aspects of DT in manufacturing through the lens of the holistic BM concept.

After this seminar, the attendees will comprehensively understand manufacturing DT, encompassing its technological aspects and associated BM challenges.


Eleonora Boffa, doctoral student, KTH Department of Production Engineering

A woman with dark long hair, glasses and a white blouse.
Eleonora Boffa. Photo: IPU/KTH

Eleonora Boffa is a doctoral student at KTH in Stockholm. She holds a bachelor's and master’s degree in management engineering from Politecnico di Torino. In 2016, she started her journey at KTH with her master's thesis project, after, she worked as a Research Engineer, and in 2018, she embarked on her doctoral project. Her research interest stands in the intersection of manufacturing and business models domains. She focuses specifically on the manufacturing industry's digital transformation journey, investigating the multifaceted aspects of this transition through the lens of the business model concept.

Connection to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Eleonora Boffa’s research topic is linked to relevant aspects related to the UN SDG number 9 -"Industry, Industry innovation and infrastructure.


Contact Eleonora Boffa  at boffa@kth.se


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