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Erasmus+ 2021-2027

Erasmus+ är EU:s program för internationellt samarbete inom utbildning. Programmet består av ett antal actions, där KTH kan söka medel för olika former av internationell verksamhet inom utbildning.

Financing on this page are funded by the European Union.

Financing on this page are funded by the European Union. 

Erasmus Charter

When implementing the project, commitment must be to the policy of the Erasmus Charter. Universities from partner countries shall be made avare of these priniciples. KTH Charter Erasmus+ 2021-27 (pdf 237 kB)

KTH codes

OID: E10209479
Organisationsnr: 202100-3054
Vat nr: SE202100305401
PIC-kod (EU): 999990946
Erasmus-kod: S STOCKHO04

Legal representative

Vice president for Global relations, Stefan Östlund, is the legal representative for Erasmus+ activities.
Please use this contact information, when asked for:
Title: Vice President for Global relations:
E-mail: eusign-edu@kth.se
Tel: +46 8 790 6000

Erasmus+ Key Action 1

  • Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) 

Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

  • Lot 1: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) 
  • Lot 2: Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM)

Partnerships for cooperation

Cooperation partnerships (privious Strategic Partnerships)

Partnerships of excellence

  Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

  Erasmus Mundus

Partnership for innovation

Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises

Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’)

Capacity Building in Higher Education

Strand 1: Fostering access to cooperation in higher education

Strand 2: Partnerships for transformation in higher education

Strand 3: Structural reform projects

For Strands 1 and 2, proposals must respect pre-defined regional priorities, which are published on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP): https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home

International Credit Mobility (ICM)

Through Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, higher education institutions can apply for scholarships and grants which enable student and staff exchange with partner countries outside of Europe.

Support to policy development and cooperation

applicable to KTH only as partner in a larger consortium.