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Kategoriserade sidor på KTHs webbplatser.

Antal träffar: 2

  • Homo Colossus

    From Homo Sapiens to Homo Colossus: Visualising our energy footprint

  • Energy-autonomous embedded systems

    Prof. Prof. Peter Woias, IMTEK, University of Freiburg, is acting as opponent on the thesis defense of Henrik Gradin, "Heterogeneous Integration of Shape Memory Alloys for High Performance Microvalves" at 10:00 in E3, Osquars backe 14. In conjunction with this, he will also give a seminar entitled "Energy-autonomous embedded systems". You are all very welcome Göran Stemme

Innehållsansvarig:Marianne Norén
Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2024-02-09