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Towards Intelligent Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems

Tid: On 2018-03-28 kl 15.00

Plats: Sal Gladan, Brinellvägen 85, KTH

Medverkande: Elena Fersman

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Industries such as automotive, transportation and manufacturing present typical examples of cyber-physical systems, where the physical world is linked with the virtual world aiming at creating a desired global behavior in a collaborative manner. Such systems are becoming increasingly connected, providing new cross-domain business opportunities. However, ubiquitous connectivity and heterogeneity of systems pose new challenges, as vast amounts of data and information from many sources will need to be analyzed, combined and actioned in a safe, ethical and transparent way. This creates complexity that goes beyond the capabilities of human management, and hereby, a need for intelligent automation. The automated decisions need to be taken based on a highly-distributed data and knowledge, at speed, and with quality of service guarantees. This lecture will give an introduction to several techniques for automated management of cyber-physical systems and provide examples ranging from telecom to smart cities.