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Docentföreläsning: Understanding behavioural transitions in complex systems

Välkommen till Fariya Sharmeens docentpresentation vid antagning som docent.

Tid: To 2025-02-13 kl 14.00 - 15.00

Plats: V3

Språk: Engelska

Medverkande: Fariya Sharmeen

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Contemporary challenges in meeting climate and sustainability goals have taken front stage in almost every sector. Radical measures are proposed along with new or revised theorizing of urban planning concepts. While structural measures are being implemented a growing realization is that they are not enough by themselves. Behavioural transitions are key to ensure sustainability and resilience. In this lecture I will discuss what I have learned so far about behavioural transitions in transport systems using tools, such as, gamification, serious games, VR experiments and digital twins. I will also talk about the upcoming direction of my future research in this context.