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Ethics and Compliance in Research and Research collaboration

Research ethics, export control and money laundering - risks and challenges in KTH research collaborations. This seminar covers the current activities of the KTH Ethics Committee, the relevance of ethics permits, what to be cautious about in international research collaborations and other challenges in ethics.

Tid: To 2021-04-29 kl 09.30 - 11.30

Plats: Zoom. Link is provided to registered participants

Medverkande: Annika Stensson Trigell, Sofia Ritzén, Fredrik Karlsson, Pierre Bodin, Claes Frostell

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Please register before 28 April:
For questions about the seminar please contact Marianne Loor, mariloor@kth.se


09.30 Welcome and introduction,
Annika Stensson Trigell, KTH Vice President for Research
09.35 KTH Ethics Committee, assignment and current activities,
Sofia Ritzén
09.45 Ethics permits - when are they relevant?,
Fredrik Karlsson, Research Ethics Advisor, RSO
10.00 International collaborations - what to look for!,
Pierre Bodin, Senior Research Advisor RSO
10.15 Precarious countries,
Stefan Östlund, KTH Vice President for Global Relations
10.25 Challenges in Ethics,
Claes Frostell, Karolinska Institutet

10.45 Workshop:
Which compliance routines can be established? Which main obstacles are there?
11.30 Concluding discussion