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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships training

The seminar is open to all researchers from the Nordic 5 Tech universities.The
training is for researchers who are planning to invite a fellow researcher from abroad to work in your group or postdocs interested in applying for this fellowship. The seminar's language is English.

Tid: To 2021-06-03 kl 11.00 - 15.00

Plats: Venue: Zoom (You will receive the link upon registration)

Medverkande: Claudia Dell'Era, Tommi Tenkanen, Sanna-Maija Kiviranta, Barbara Spanó + invited speakers

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The Research Services of Aalto University organises a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships training in collaboration with the Nordic 5 Tech alliance.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral researchers (with up to 8years of research experience after the doctoral degree) who would like to move within or to Europe and beyond to carry out research. The researcher applies for the funding in cooperation with the host organisation.

Please, also note that an eligibility mobility rule applies for Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants. The fellow must not have resided in the host organisation's country for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline.

The seminar format is upfront lectures, including the experiences of invited speakers. We encourage audience participation with polls and questions in the chat.

Date and time: 3 June 2021 from 11.00 - 15.00 CET (12.00-16.00 EET)
Registration in Webropol by 1st June 2021  (max 500 participants)

Speakers: Aalto Research Services: Senior Grant Writer Claudia Dell'Era, Grant Writer Tommi Tenkanen, Head of Pre-Award Services Sanna-Maija Kiviranta. Barbara Spanó, Chief Advisor at the Office for Research and Innovation at the Technical University of Denmark. Invited speakers.

• Introduction to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships funding
• How to write a successful MSCA-PF proposal: Excellence, Impact, Implementation and
Cross-cutting issues
• Evaluation of MSCA-PF proposals
• Success stories

Organiser: Claudia Dell'Era, Aalto university
For further information, please contact the following persons from your university:

Aalto: Claudia Dell'Era, Claudia.dellera@aalto.fi
Chalmers: Mareike Lutz, mareike.lutz@chalmers.se
DTU: Barbara Spanó, basp@dtu.dk
NTNU: Øyvin Sæther, oyvin.sather@ntnu.no
KTH: Mia Brandelius, miabr@kth.se