Decision on appointment of Deputy Heads of School for Architecture and the Built Environment
The President has decided to appoint Professor Björn Berggren as 1st Deputy Head of School and researcher David Nilsson as 2nd Deputy Head of School. Their term of office is 1 March 2022 until 28 February 2026.
Head of School Muriel Beser Hugosson has previously received continued trust for another four-year period. Her term of office extends from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2025.
1st Deputy Head of School at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Björn Berggren is Professor of business administration and his main research interests are entrepreneurship, real estate, and local and regional development. In recent years, he has researched how the changed banking landscape has affected the opportunities to start and run companies in different parts of Sweden. He has also been interested in real estate brokerageand the housing market.
Björn is the Programme Director for the doctoral programme The Built Environment and Society: management, economics and law. He has also been responsible for KTH's strategic work in Southeast Asia since 2020. He has previously been Programme Director for the Bachelor's Programmes in Real Estate and Finance as well as Property Development and Agency. Björn has taught at several Swedish universities in the areas of entrepreneurship, finance and marketing for more than 20 years.
2nd Deputy Head of School at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

David Nilsson is Docent in history of science, technology and environment and has for the past 17 years researched issues of water supply, especially in low-income countries. The focus has been on innovation and socio-technological change, but also globalisation, imperialism and aid. David has previously worked in the private sector as a consultant, at the development agency Sida, and at the Swedish embassy in Nairobi, Kenya.
In 2017, he was appointed Director of WaterCentre@KTH, a collaborative platform on water together with partners in industry, authorities and other research institutions. Creating collaborations outside the academy, and allowing knowledge to be used in meeting societal challenges, are things that are close to David's heart.
Head of School at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Muriel Beser Hugosson is Professor in transport modeling with a special research interest in developing forecast models to be able to predict how society reacts to various changes. For example, how a super green car premium affects the purchase of a new car or how an improvement in public transport affects how people choose to travel to work. Among other things, she has has been deeply involved in the development of Stockholm's congestion charge system.
Muriel has been the Head of School at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment since 2016. She has previously been Deputy Head of School, Head of the Department of Transport Science and Director for the Centre for a Sustainable Built Environment (CHS). She returned to KTH from the private sector in 2009 as Deputy Director of the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS).
According to the rules of procedure at KTH, the President decides to appoint deputy heads of schools. Head of School Muriel Beser Hugosson has proposed the appointment of the new deputy heads of schools for the President after anchoring with the school organisation, the Permanent nomination group for appointments of heads of schools and deputy heads of schools and with the President. The proposals for appointment has been collaborated in the central collaboration group.