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Submit proposals for the creation of undergraduate assistant positions

Call for proposals

Published Jun 20, 2024

The ABE school has been given the opportunity to recruit undergraduate assistants (amanuenser) linked to the school's different educational/research areas in order to support Master's students. The posts are established to reinvest the tuition fees of paying students in an undergraduate assistant programme targeted at fee-paying Master's students. Unlike in the past, mentoring is specifically emphasised in these posts, although the posts will be able to include a teaching component.


Define proposal(s) for undergraduate assistant positions. Proposals may include, in addition to mentoring, support to the PA for the Master's programmes, linked to programme activities of various kinds and educational support (excluding examination).

Evaluation of proposals

If the number of proposals exceeds the financial means available, proposals will be ranked by the GA and Deputy GA after consultation with the Programme Directors (first and second cycle) according to the following criteria:
 The objective of this action is to support Master's students and the effort is based on the high number of paying students in the school's education programmes. Therefore, priority may be given to proposals linked to Master's programmes with a higher number of international (especially fee-paying) Master's students.
 Equal distribution of positions across the school.

Decisions will be communicated by October 2024 at the latest.


The selected proposals/positions will then be advertised with the support of HR and the immediate line manager will be involved in the recruitment process. Recruitment is planned to start in October 2024, with employment starting in the spring term 2025.

How to submit a proposal

The Head of Department submits the departmental proposal (1-2 proposals per department, ranked if more than one) to the School Management Support ( ).


The deadline for submitting departmental proposals is 30 September 2024.

Proposals should include:

 Description of the tasks
 Requirement profile (what is required to fulfil the duties of the post, e.g. educational requirements and specific prior knowledge, possible previous experience, personal characteristics, etc.)
 Number of months planned for the post (max. 6 months).
 Division in which the post is to be located.
 Contact person.