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New international master's programme in transport, mobility and innovation to launch in 2020

Published Jun 19, 2019

KTH has decided to launch a new master's programme in Transport, Mobility and Innovation (within the framework of EIT KIC Urban Mobility) where programme responsibility will be placed at the ABE school.


KTH is part of five consortia within the European cooperation of the European Institute of Technology (EIT), which aim to make Europe the global leader in innovation. The activities take place in so-called KIC:s, knowledge and innovation communities.

KTH participates in EIT Digital, KIC InnoEnergy, EIT Health, EIT Raw Materials, and EIT Urban Mobility. The consortia include research institutes, large technology companies and several of the leading technical universities in Europe.

In the first round of admission, 2020, students will be admotted to be the track "Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions". The programme includes mandatory geographic mobility. The mobility requirement means that one year's studies are carried out at KTH and one year at another institution within the consortium.
In 2020 the following mobility opportunities will be offered:
Year 1: KTH, UPC (Barcelona, ​​Spain), Aalto (Espoo, Finland), TU / e (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Year 2: KTH, UPC, Aalto, TU / e, Technion (Haifa, Israel)
DTU (Lyngby, Denmark) intends to join later rounds of admission.

The part of the education plan given by KTH in transport and mobility is based on co-reading with existing master's programmes in Transport and Geoinformation Technology and Sustainable Urban Planning and Design. In addition, students will take business-oriented courses focused on innovation and entrepreneurship. These courses will be given by the Department of Industrial Economy at the ITM school.

At KTH, the track will be mapped to the five-year Degree Programme in Civil Engineering and Urban Management. This means that students who are admitted to the master's programme, after completing year 1-3 from the Degree Programme in Civil Engineering and Urban Management, are given the opportunity to apply for a Master in Engineering degree.

Tracks planned for later admission rounds are: "Smart Mobility Data Science and Analytics", "Innovative Mobility Technology Development" and "New Mobility Markets and Services".

The programme involves collaboration within the consortium MOBILUS, which won the EIT's call for Urban Mobility. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU agency set up by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity. The EIT is an important part of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Within the consortium, KTH collaborates with organizations, companies and universities.