Programme councils appointed for Architecure and Land and Water Resources Engineering
Published Sep 17, 2020
Head of School in consultation with Director of Third Cycle Education (FA) has appointed programme councils for the doctoral programmes in Architecure and Land and Water Resources Engineering.
The term of office of the programme councils runs until 2022-06-30.
Meike Schalk (PA)
Jennifer Mack
Anders Bergström
Ute Besenecker
Daniel Koch
Mark- och vattenteknik
Elzbieta Plaza (PA)
Berit Balfors
Ulla Mörtberg
Vladimir Cvetkovic
Prosun Bharracharya
THS Student Union appoints doctoral student representatives to the programme councils, these may change during the term of office of the programme council. Representatives from the administration will also be linked to the programme council.