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KTH's President visited ABE

Published Feb 28, 2019

On Thursday 21 February, KTH:s President Sigbritt Karlsson and Deputy President Mikael Östling visited the ABE school during an intensive afternoon. Head of School Muriel Beser Hugosson and Deputy Head of School Mats Wilhemsson held presentations together with a number of representatives from the school's faculty.

This year's President school visit took place in the lounge on the ground floor of Teknikringen 10B where Real Estate and Construction Management and SEED are located since the summer of 2017. Muriel and Mats started the afternoon by presenting the ABE school's successes over the recent year by speaking about school's current education, research and collaboration. The word was then given to a number of representatives from the faculty who were given the opportunity to talk about their research to the President and Deputy President. First off was Ann Legeby , who described her research linked to Practical & Applied Urban Planning. Then Erik Jenelius talked about the Future Mobility in Cities followed by Niki Kringos who described Innovations in Road Technology.

After a coffee break where both the school management, the speakers and the audience were given the opportunity to talk to the President and Deputy President, the presentations continued. Fredrik Johansson described his research area Rock Mechanics - for a Future Sustainable Built Environment, followed by Björn Berggren who talked about The Future of the Housing Market. The Faculty presentations were concluded with Sara Borgström , who spoke about Sustainable Urban Development from a Landscape Perspective: Navigating Change and Multifunctionality in a Denser City.

The day was concluded by Muriel and Mats who took the opportunity to raise the arguments for a desired larger government capital investment for the ABE school in the form of more permanent faculty funding, larger investments in a number of new areas, a new post-doc programme and desired infrastructure investments 2020-2024.

It was an intensive and successful afternoon that highlighted the ABE school's success and the breadth of the school's activities. The President and Deputy President were very pleased with the visit and the opportunity to listen to and ask questions directly to various representatives from the faculty. The speakers and the audience also thought it was very educational and inspiring to gain a greater insight into the breadth of the ABE school's research for the future.

The President and Deputy President will visit all KTH:s five schools for a half-day during the Spring. This type of school visit was introduced in 2018 and the idea is that KTH:s leadership get to meet different parts of the organisation annually and learn more about each school's education, research and collaboration. The format of the visits varies annually.