Digital accessibility - requirements and opportunities
Digital accessibility means that everybody - regardless of disabilities - can use our digital services and websites. However, inclusive content is good for all users.

All public sector websites in Sweden must meet accessibility requirements set out by the law. Therefore everybody working in a public sector body needs to know what digital accessibility is all about.
Official guidelines for web development (
Work with accessibility
If you use the templates and functions that are provided by the systems, you will find it easier to meet the legal requirements.
Here on the intranet there is most of what you need in terms of templates and guidelines.
Guidelines for publishing on the web
Create accessible learning activities
Checklist for accessibility
Here are some of the most common measures to ensure accessibility:
- You have used the templates and built-in functions that are available.
- The heading on the page is descriptive and clear.
- The language is simple and straightforward.
- The text has paragraphs, subheadings and lists, so that the page is easier to skim through.
- Links can be read and understood without surrounding text.
- All images, except those that are just decoration, have explanatory texts (alt-texts).
- You have added content directly to the web page and avoided inserting documents. In cases where this is not possible, you have ensured accessibility in the attached documents.
- Films are subtitled and, where necessary, also audio-interpreted.
Other reasons to prioritize accessibility
Except for the above mentioned "DOS-lagen", our digital services are governed by several other laws, some of which relate to accessibility. But regulation is not by any means the only reason we should work with accessibility. There are many more, including:
Accessibility is necessary for some people, in order for them to be able to get an education, for example.
Accessibility contributes to better usability and thus a better experience for all.
Accessibility increases the effect of our digital endeavours, and help us reach more people.
Learn the basics in 15 minutes (video)
This video lecture walks you through legal requirements, provides more motivation and gives you some practical advice - in only 15 minutes.