Accessibility in teaching
Everyone benefits from accessible teaching, but for students with disabilities accessibility is a must. The minimum requirements for digital teaching at KTH are to meet the requirements of the law about accessible digital public service (the DOS law). Here, you as a teacher will find information and tips on how to adapt your material to be accessible.
The law about accessible digital public service
The requirements for digital accessibility mainly come from the law about accessible digital public service (the DOS law), which came into force on September 23, 2020. For you as a teacher, this means that your material must meet all relevant accessibility criteria. The law applies to public websites as well as intranets and non-public websites, such as KTH Social and Canvas.
For a more detailed explanation of the DOS-law, read Digital accessibility - requirements and opportunities .
Accessibility tips
For you who are a teacher and work in Canvas, there are some things you can do to create more accessible content for your students. Many of the tips are good to keep in mind for any type of information that is published on the web and on digital platforms.
FAQ about accessibility
Here we have collected a few of the most frequently asked questions, and their answers, about accessibility and Canvas. The page is based on the questions we've recieved from teachers at KTH.