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Scholarship-Funded Postdoctor

KTH can receive a scholarship-funded postdoctoral student for a stay at KTH with the aim of giving the postdoctor the opportunity to scientifically qualify for a limited time.

General information

Scholarship-funded postdoctoral researcher refers to (1.) a postdoctoral researcher who has a scholarship not established or awarded by KTH, or (2) a postdoctoral researcher who has a scholarship established and awarded by KTH.

Level of compensation and reasonable scholarship conditions:

A prerequisite for the postdoctoral stay is that the postdoc must have a compensation level of at least 27000 SEK per month. The level of compensation that applies when the stay starts is valid for the entire stay. KTH does not provide additional funding. An additional requirement is that the dean, or the dean appoints, judge that the scholarship conditions are reasonable. In the assessment, the recommendations in the study Scholarship-funded postgraduate education – mapping and draft recommendations (dnr 14/077, 2015-09-17 REV, SUHF) can be helpful.

Scholarship for postdoc set up and awarded by KTH

  • The scholarship will be awarded
  • Funds may not be used, the use of external means requires the written consent of the funder/donor
  • Compensation level of at least 27000 SEK per month. The level of compensation that applies at the start of the stay is valid for the entire stay
  • The scholarship must be paid in advance and only 1-2 payments per year are allowed
  • In order to be eligible for a scholarship that KTH establishes and assigns, the applicant must have completed a PhD or achieved equivalent scientific competence no more than three years before the application period for the scholarship has expired.
  • A scholarship for postdoc can extend over three years at most (including any extension).

Bench charge

The Head of School shall decide on a so-called bench fee that is charged to the activities that receive the postdoc.

Affiliation as a postdoctoral researcher

The Head of School, or the dean appoints, decides on affiliation as a postdoctoral researcher. Human Resources provides the template to be used. The template includes, among other things, the requirement that the decision-making manager indicate the facts that will ensure that the scholarship-funded postdoctoral researcher does not perform any work for KTH.

The postdoc shall be given written information on the person's legal status with regard to insurance, leave, illness and the like. The information should also provide advice on what measures the postdoc should consider taking in order to obtain protection in the event of illness and accident, etc. The human resources department provides information on the intranet (path KTH Intranet / Administrative support / Scholarship management), on the same web page there is also information about, among other things. travel expenses for grantees. The postdoc should also be informed that he/she must not carry out any work for KTH. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the postdoc receives the information.

The Head of School, or the Dean appoints, is responsible for ensuring that there is an overall picture of related postdocs staying at the school.

Legal status of scholarship-funded postdoctoral researcher

Fellows are not employed at KTH and therefore special legal positions occur in matters such as pension, holiday entitlement, etc.

Social security benefits

The grantee's entitlement to social security benefits varies depending on nationality, duration in Sweden, etc. This must be sorted out in each case so that the grantee and KTH know what applies.

A postdoctoral researcher should review his/her private insurance position if he does not qualify to be enrolled in the Swedish Social Security Fund (Social Insurance).

Postdoctoral fellow, personal injury

KTH has taken out a collection insurance for people who are not employed at KTH but who should nevertheless be given personal injury protection that corresponds to that applicable to employees. The person must have a Swedish social security number in order to be covered by the insurance. The insurance includes personal injury cover corresponding to the accident cover of occupational injury insurance.

Postdoctoral fellow with foreign citizenship

KTH has taken out a comprehensive insurance for people with foreign citizenship who do not have insurance cover. The insurance covers foreign nationals who participate in KTH's activities, including postdocs with a scholarship and their accompanying family (spouse/partner and children).

The insurance has adequate insurance cover for a shorter period.

Sickness and parental leave

Scholarships are not parental or sickness benefit-based and do not entitle them to sick or parental pay from KTH.

Postdoctoral fellows have no regulated right to leave in connection with pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood. However, pregnancy, childbirth or parental leave do not provide a basis for terminating a scholarship early.

Scholarships do not entitle KTH to reimbursement for visits to doctors or medicines. Fellows also do not have the same right to rehabilitation as employees have. However, the scholarship must be paid in full regardless of illness for the agreed scholarship period.


Fellows do not have a regulated holiday entitlement.


Scholarship holders have no provision for a pension from KTH.


Fellows are not entitled to a wellness allowance or a wellness hour.

Info about health-related support for scholarship-funded postdocs

Postdocs on scholarship are not covered by occupational health care. The reason for this is that occupational health care can be considered a benefit, and that scholarship recipients should not receive employment-like benefits as there is a risk that the scholarship will be contaminated and thus taxable. The same applies to other benefits such as wellness allowance and work glasses.

The scholarship should cover all expenses, so the scholarship recipient should use their scholarship for any costs that arise in the event of ill health.

A scholarship-financed postdoc with a personal identification number (personnummer) is recommended to seek care at the health center or in emergency cases at the emergency room. A scholarship-financed postdoc with a personal identification number (personnummer is entitled to care in Sweden on the same terms as everyone else. Healthcare in region Stockholm - 1177 Vårdguiden

The intranet has information on contacts for when you need someone to talk to outside of KTH . Note, however, that the contact route to the occupational health service Avonova does not apply to scholarship-funded postdocs.

Kammarkollegiet's insurance for foreign visitors covers, among other things, emergency medical care and emergency medical care for foreign guests who do not have a Swedish personal identification number. Kammarkollegiet - Insurance for foreign visitors

If there are work-related issues that HR can assist with, we can have a meeting with the postdoc and manager to see what we can do in terms of work environment. KTH is responsible for the work environment also for scholarship-funded postdocs. For example, incident reports must always be submitted in the event of incidents, risks and occupational injuries .

Travel expenses for scholarship-funded postdocs

When the grantees are participants at conferences that are part of their study plan and development plan, it is seen as a business trip according to the Swedish Tax Agency. KTH can therefore provide compensation for travel, accommodation, etc. according to common rules for business travel.

The trips must be handled within KTH-Res with booking and travel expenses. Travel orders are not required.

The grantees do not receive their own user profile in KTH-Res, but the trips must be booked by an employee in the same way that they can order trips for guests. Thus, fellows should not book trips or make travel bills themselves.

In KTH-Res, the travel bill type "Multi-day trip without per diem supplement" is selected.

In order to book a trip for a fellow in KTH-Res, the following information is required:

  • Who will administer the trip for the fellow


  • Name
  • Social security number (or co-ordination number)
  • Home address
  • Org unit
  • From date of trip
  • Destinations
  • Purpose of the trip
  • Sakattestantkod (XXXX KTHXXX)

Please inform the in good time before booking a trip.

Exceptions to the above routine should be made in cases where the grantee does not have a personal/coordination number and in cases where KTH-Res so decides.

In the case of these exceptions, the form "Payment of fees/hourly wages" shall be used. At "Select here" on the form, the Conference Trip Fellow is  selected.  The form and receipts, in the original, must be sent to the Payroll function for registration.

The required forms can be found by following the link: Forms and templates