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Fika Chat on E-mobility as a transversal Master's profile with Mikael, Jagruti and Shreyash

Live podcast "Fika Chat on the Future of Education" – episode 46

Photo of Mikael Nybacka.

Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and the change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular. In episode 46, he meets Mikael Nybacka, Jagruti Ramising Thakur and Shreyash Khatiwada who work with a KTH joint development project to create an interdisciplinary competence profile in electromobility - without creating a new master's programme.

Time: Wed 2024-10-09 15.00 - 15.30

Video link: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Johan Flid Fridell, Mikael Nybacka, Jagruti Ramising Thakur and Shreyash Khatiwadas

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Do you have questions for Mikael, Jagruti and Shreyash?

Then, you are welcome to email them in advance to  or write them live in the Zoom chat on Wednesday, 9/10, at 15:00–15:30.

Today's guests: Mikael Nybacka, Jagruti Ramising Thakur and Shreyash Khatiwada

Mikael is leading one of the KTH joint development projects starting in 2024 within the Future Education at KTH programme.

The project will package and clearly communicate an interdisciplinary competence profile in electromobility - without creating a new master's programme - and investigate the possibility of creating "virtual programs"/"minors". Five working groups are working on 10 sub-goals up to and including 2025. Read about the project: E-mobility as a transversal master's profile (Swedish)

Shreyash is one of two students in the project team.

Jagruti Ramsing Thakur
Jagruti Ramsing Thakur assistant professor, researcher Profile

About the podcast

Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and our change programme " Future Education at KTH " in particular.

Fika Chat podcast every other Wednesday from Autumn 2024

From 28 August, the podcast Fikasnack on the future of education will run every two weeks until further notice. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for topics/guests for the podcast, you are welcome to email the programme management to .

Co-create for the podcast

Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact  (write "podcast" in the subject line).

Podcast host: Johan Fridell

You may recognise the podcast host Johan Fridell, who, during the corona pandemic, podcasted with a former KTH colleague about digitalisation at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (or & Fika) on Spotify or Youtube.

Johan Flid Fridell
Johan Flid Fridell systems specialist 0709606860 Profile