Opening hours at KTH during the summer
The opening hours for KTH's central service departments during the summer.
KTH Switchboard/Service number 9200
2024-06-10 till 2023-08-19
Opening hours Monday-Friday: 08.00-11.30, 13.00–16.00. Closed for lunch 11.30–13.00.
Reception desk Brinellvägen 8
2024-06-10 till 2024-08-19
Opening hours Monday-Friday: 08.00-16.00
KTH Entré
Friday 21 June: Closed (Midsummer's Eve)
2024-06-17 till 2024-08-02
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-14.00
Card Office, back office Drottning Kristinas väg 48
The office is staffed during the whole summer, Monday-Friday. 2024-06-24 – 2024-08-19 Cards and keys can be picked up during opening hours, 08.00-11.30, 12.30-14.00. Closed for lunch 11.30-12.30.
All basic matters, like changing the pin code, retrieving a new card or replacing a broken card, are taken care of in KTH Entré .
Please note! Pin codes and access card numbers will not be provided by phone or email for security reasons.
Address: Drottning Kristinas väg 46
Opening hours Monday-Friday: 08.00-11.30, 12.30–14.00. Closed for lunch 11.30–12.30.
Deviating opening hours may occur due to unforeseen events. For more information, see the page Letters, packages and other goods
During the weeks 26 – 33, posts will be delivered and picked up only once a day, starting at 09.30.
KTH's library
The library in Södertälje is closed from 18 June – 4 August. Check the current week's opening hours on the page Opening hours and contact .