Safety Officer
The safety officers have a strong position at the workplace. According to the Work Environment Act (Arbetsmiljölagen), employers and employees must cooperate in work environment tasks.
Although the employer has the ultimate responsibility for the work environment, it is a stated requirement that the organized work environment tasks must be carried out together with the employees and their representatives. The workers' representative is the safety officer.

The work environment is a priority for the ST Trade Union. For many years, the systematic work environment tasks (SAM - systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete) has been regulated by law and is something that must be implemented in all workplaces. In short, SAM means that there is:
- a work environment policy at the workplace
- that mapping and risk assessments are made of the work environment
- that action plans are drawn up to improve the work environment
- that work with the work environment is followed up.
This also assumes that there is a good work environment organization at the workplace. That employers, managers, safety officers, trade unions and employees all participate in the development of the work environment.
The employer is responsible for the work environment and must ensure that work environment work is a natural part of the daily business. Systematic work environment work involves paying attention to and taking into account all conditions in the work environment that can affect the employees' health and safety in the daily work.
Who is the safety representative at your workplace? Contact us to get contact details