Processes for a VIP Visit
Inquiries regarding VIP Visits may be received at KTH from various parts of the organisation. All visitor requests must include a desired date/time and a stated purpose on the part of the visitors.
The domestic requests for a visit are to go via KTH’s Management Communications Officer and the inquiries from abroad are to go via the Vice President for Global Relations and Overall International Cooperation at the President of KTH ’s office who decides whether this is a VIP visit or not. If this is the case, an academic host is designated with clear instructions on what tasks this hosting includes. The event coordinator works together with the academic host to conduct the visit. It is also recommended to have a participating representative from the management of the university. (“cc” the event coordinator in all contacts with the academic host.)
If it is a visit without the character of being a VIP visit, but where there may be interest at school level, the event coordinator coordinates this via the network with the visit coordinators at the Schools.
Preparation and Control
So as to ensure the quality and continuity of KTH’s visits, and to compile statistics, the network of the visit coordinators registers to the event coordinator the visits that come to KTH.
KTH’s event coordinator can conduct an overall review of how relevant and important the visitor queries and requests that come in centrally are, especially those of an international nature as we work in close cooperation with the International Relations Office (IRO).
The senior management of the University’s presence with visits
With a VIP visit, it is recommended that someone from the senior management of the university attends. The academic host puts together a brief with what is expected of the senior management’s presence and sends to the relevant person from the management of the university.
When visiting the schools, it is the school itself that invites representatives from the management of the university. In KTH’s Processes for Visits, the persons responsible for the visit coordinators are informed of the importance of putting together a “brief” for the management of the university. So that we can avoid double-bookings, the President of KTH’s secretary must be able to see if several representatives from the management of the university are booked and ask the host for the visit for reasons for this.
The academic host’s responsibility for VIP visits to KTH
- Programme contents
- Contact with the visitors prior to and during the visit
- Participation in the programme and contact with them
- Target group (inclujding if there is to be an audience) and contact with them
- Brief to management of the university
- Receive and host during the visit
- Responsible for the invitation and ongoing contact with participants in the programme
The event coordinator’s responsibilities during VIP visits to KTH
- Logistics such as booking of rooms/premises, catering and gifts.
- To make suggestions for arrangements, rooms/premises, flow and the like, so that the visit will be as successful as possible.