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Processes for Visits

The event group within the University Administration, at the communications department, has developed processes for visits to KTH that provide support and guidelines on how KTH is to act as a host for successful visits.
KTH’s Processes for Visits define the organisation, funding and KTH’s various different categories of visits. As an appendix to the processes, there is a checklist to use as a working document for planning and conducting visits.


It is important that KTH’s visitors have a rewarding and positive experience, simply due to that successful visits strengthens KTH’s brand and contribute to the establishment of good relationships for the future, activities motivated by both KTH’s core values and communications strategy.

KTH’s core values state that “The progress of science is based on openness and collaboration. KTH actively works to ensure the dissemination of knowledge and the free exchange of information, plus to promote joint collaborations both nationally and internationally.”

The primary message of KTH’s communications strategy is research and education for a “Brighter Tomorrow,” which aims to ensure that KTH is driven by the desire to create a better tomorrow. Via establishing new relationships and maintaining existing ones, KTH’s brand and network with stakeholders is strengthened, supporting the creation of a better tomorrow.


The processes for visits aims to strengthen KTH’s brand and the efforts towards a “Brighter Tomorrow.” The processes are designed to facilitate the work of those who receive visits to KTH by establishing a uniform approach and to ensure the quality of the visits that are conducted.

The organising of visiting activities at KTH

Within the event group that provides support, there is an event coordinator who works with KTH’s visiting activities. The event coordinator is a support function for the entire University organisation in the planning and implementation of visits to KTH.

There is to be a visit coordinator at each school. These visitor managers are responsible for disseminating the processes for visits to their school. When a request for a visit is received at KTH via the internal event group and there is no obvious host or participating party, a request can be sent to the visit coordinator at the school that is relevant for the visit. It is to be able to suggest a suitable host or participating party, or forward the request on within their organisation.

All visit requests and visits that take place at KTH are to be reported to KTH’s event group, which for statistics on KTH’s visiting activities in order to obtain an overall picture of the activities.

Definition of a visit to KTH

A “visit” to KTH is an individual or group visiting KTH at a predetermined date. Most visitors seek to:

  • Learn about the educational and research activities at KTH
  • Present their organisation/activities to KTH
  • Establish or further develop a joint collaboration/partnership
  • Learn about and benefit from KTH’s expert knowledge

In many cases, a visit is initiated by the guests themselves contacting KTH, via a previous contact. In other cases, visitors are invited to KTH for the purpose of promoting and furthering KTH’s activities. Most of the visits that take place at KTH can be divided into one of the following categories. The categories are further described in point 7.

  • Individual academic/scientific researchers and research groups, from within Sweden
  • Individual academic/scientific researchers and research groups, internationally
  • Recruitment of new students, from within Sweden
  • Recruitment of new students, internationally
  • VIP Visits
  • Visits from members of the news media
  • Other visits

Planning of visits

A visit to KTH is to always be seen as an opportunity to promote KTH. All guests must receive a professional and thoughtful treatment, regardless of which group of visit they belong to or how the visit has been initiated. There must be a clear purpose for KTH to receive the visit and the contents are to be designed accordingly. Expectations that the visitor may have and what KTH wants to achieve by the visit must be carefully thought out and form the basis for the planning.

There are different basic principles for different groups of visitors, due to that there are differences in expectations, objectives and goals. However there are some steps that must always be followed at the beginning of the visitor planning, in order for the visit to be successful.


Once a request for a visit or invitation has been confirmed, an organisation around the visit is to be established. This organisation may vary depending upon the type of visit. Roles that may be needed include the following:

  • The host of the visit is the person/institution who receives the visit and is ultimately responsible.
  • Contents manager - The person responsible for designing a suitable programme and finding suitable persons participating s who can contribute to see that the visit is fruitful.
  • Coordinator - If there is a larger or more extensive visit involving several parties from KTH’s side, it may be a good idea to appoint a coordinator responsible for the organisation and the practical details such as catering, rooms, etcetera.

These roles can often overlap each other, and sometimes one person can have multiple or all roles. It is important to have carefully thought out the organisation prior to the visit and that everyone knows what is expected of them in their respective roles.

Define the category of visit

When the planning begins, it is important to define which category the visit in question belongs to. The various different groups have different guidelines to follow. The programme for the visit is to be planned in accordance with the guidelines that have been established, so that it will be possible for the visit to be as successful as possible.


Once the programme is established, all costs of the visit are to be accounted for and reported in a budget. It is important from the outset to have a clear picture of all the expenses and anchor in the organisation where the costs are to be paid from and which]at costs to be are borne by the visitor(s) themselves. There are no central funds available for visits, but rather each visit is financed by the particular individual host and the organiser.

Basic principles for visits

Below are a number of basic principles for the various groups of visits. What is fundamental to all is that all guests are to feel welcome and appreciated, and be treated with a pleasant, open and welcoming tone in accordance with KTH’s communications strategy.

Individual academic/scientific researchers and research groups, from within Sweden

This category consists of Swedish academic/scientific researchers who are involved, or want to be involved, in research disciplines at KTH.
When KTH receives this group, there is to be a primary focus on the contents of the visit. It is important that there is a strong organisation and that the correct participants are identified in order to achieve a good exchange of knowledge between KTH and the guest(s). Establish clear goals for the visit: what does KTH want to achieve from this and what expectations on the part of the guests are to be fulfilled? Think about how the visit is to be followed up and what possible measures are to be implemented afterwards.

Individual academic/scientific researchers and research groups, internationally

When guests within this group visit KTH, the same basic principles apply as for the researchers based in Sweden. Guests from abroad often will not have the same local knowledge as the national ones. Therefore it may be useful to offer recommendations for a hotel, restaurants and provide other support. In some cases, it may be appropriate to plan an entire programme for the stay. During international visits, cultural differences are always to be taken into proper account.

Recruitment of new students, from within Sweden

Student recruitment visits are dealt with by the Communications Department. There are information officers who are responsible for these visits, which are often initiated via a request via KTH’s website.

Recruitment of new students, internationally

Visits for the recruitment of international students are dealt with by the International Student Recruitment (ISR) within the International Relations Office (IRO) via an enquiry received via KTH’s website.

VIP Visits

VIP visits are a vital part of KTH’s visitor activities. The expectations of these visitors can often differ from the others, and therefore it is very important to follow the basic principles that have been established. Frequent types of VIP visits include:

  • Head of State or member of the royal family
  • Elected officials
  • Representatives from international organisations, such as European Union institutions or the United Nations
  • Leading representatives from the business community
  • Other visits that according to the assessment of the President of KTH are classified as a VIP visit.

The arrangements for a VIP visit are most often made via contact with KTH’s President or the senior management of the University. There are also requests for VIP visits coming in via other channels. When a VIP visit is planned, KTH’s event coordinator must always be contacted at an early stage in order to provide support for the planning.

The domestic requests are to go via KTH’s Management Communications Officer and the international ones are to go via the Vice President for Global Relations and Overall International Cooperation at the President of KTH’s office, to determine whether the visit is of a VIP character. Thereafter, an academic host is designated for the visit, who/which is responsible for the contents and implementation of the visit. KTH’s event group providing internal event support is responsible for logistics issues and advice concerning design. The academic host is responsible for providing the representative from the management of the University with a clear brief on what is expected of his/her participation.

Visits from members of the news media

Visits from members of the news media are to be referred to KTH’s press contact at the Communications department who will be responsible for responding to needs and requests. The event group is available for internal assistance to support the planning.

Other visits

Visits not defined in the above categories are “Other visits.” These may be company representatives who are not classified as a VIP. These may be colleagues and collaborative partners from other universities, either educational institutions in Sweden or abroad. It is important to comply with the overall guidelines for these types of visits and to review the checklist that is available for use.

Important parts of a visit

KTH’s graphic profile

The strengthening KTH’s brand requires consistent use of KTH’s graphic profile . The graphic profile is an important building block in the establishment of a brand, therefore it is very important to think about how we use our profile during visits. Further information about how KTH’s graphic profile is applied is available on the intranet.

Presentation material

There are various types of presentation materials  that can be used for visits to KTH. Regardless of which is used, the graphic profile must be followed. KTH’s Event Group can provide the host with overal l informational materials. If new materials are to be printed for a specific particular visit, it is important that it comply with KTH’s graphical graphic profile and to contact one of the suppliers KTH has a procurement agreement with for form, layout, and printing.

Gifts and profile articles

There is a selection of profile articles in KTH’s Profile Shop  that may be suitable for a visit, such as notepads, pens and folders with KTH’s logo. This is also where you will find gifts for your guest, if this is relevant. The items in the KTK Shop are sold both online and via KTH Entré.


If the visit requires a room or other premises, it is important to book it sufficient time in advance as there is often a shortage of premises at KTH. KTH’s event group can be helpful in recommending suitable premises that are available for the date/time in question.

Refreshments and lodgings

KTH has agreements with several catering suppliers. These are listed on the intranet under “framework agreements.” When booking accommodations, KTH places a call-off order within the state framework agreements. Information about which hotels are included in the state framework agreements can be found on the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s website . If KTH books hotel rooms for guests, it is important to become familiarised with the hotel’s cancellation policy. It is also important that there is an agreement on who is to bear the costs.


As an appendix to the Processes For Visits, there is a checklist that can be used. It is organised in three parts: preparation prior to the visit, during the visit, and after the visit. The purpose of this is to ensure the quality of KTH’s visiting activities.

Other information and contact details

KTH’s event group can assist conveying contact information to all the units mentioned in these processes. Contact them if you need support or assistance in your visitor planning.
If you have any questions or are looking for information related to KTH’s visiting activities that are not covered in these processes, please contact KTH’s event group.

Phone: +46 (0)8-790 60 00

Checklist for visits (pdf 242 kB)