Physical security
Physical security at KTH is crucial for creating a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and visitors. Through a well-developed system of alarms, security services, access controls, and entry systems, it is ensured that campus areas, students, and staff are protected, and negative events are prevented and managed.
The physical security at KTH is central to protecting staff, students, and property from threats and damage, as well as ensuring that the campus areas are safe and secure for everyone who is present. Physical security consists of several components that work together to maintain a safe and secure environment at KTH. This means that security measures must be continuously monitored and adapted to address both new and existing security challenges.
Ongoing maintenance and management of alarms, access rights, and entry systems are crucial to physical security efforts to ensure that the right people have access to facilities and that these areas are protected from unauthorized entry. Regular checks of alarm and access systems are essential for identifying and addressing any weaknesses. Additionally, an effective and up-to-date surveillance system, including security cameras, enhances the sense of safety on campus and supports the work of the Security Department.
Coordination of security guards is also an important part of the security efforts. Guards are present on campus to carry out regular patrols and respond to alarms or emergencies. Their presence not only contributes to increased security but also provides a direct resource to handle situations quickly and efficiently. Guards play a key role in identifying potential risks and managing incidents before they escalate, further strengthening security on campus.
In summary, physical security at KTH is an integrated system that includes alarms, coordination of security services, access control, and entry systems. The security systems are carefully designed and scaled to meet the specific needs of the operations, ensuring a safe and secure environment for everyone on campus. By continuously developing and adapting these security measures, a dynamic and effective security structure is created, tailored to current conditions and needs.