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Stocktaking of flammable products


This function page aims to provide support for systematically monitoring that the quantity of flammable products being handled and stored within the framework of the permit does not exceed permitted volumes. It also aims to simplify the transfer of information before and during the supervisory inspection in accordance with LBE.


This procedure applies for the whole of KTH, although school-specific procedures may occur and be applied in addition to those set out here.


  • Flammable product - flammable liquids, gases and fire-reactive products, which are substances or mixtures that can maintain, react violently to or result in a fire.
  • Superintendent for flammable products – the person responsible with the specific task of ensuring that operations are conducted in accordance with statutory precautionary requirements and obligations.
  • Deputy superintendent - replacement for the permanent superintendent in that person’s absence.
  • Fire safety inspection - municipal fire safety inspection through the fire service


The head of school or the person charged with the task is responsible for ensuring that stocktaking is carried out, documented, reported and archived. Also for ensuring that the person who carries out stocktaking has the necessary knowledge.

Administrative support

A checklist has been produced to support stocktaking. This checklist provides the opportunity to follow up and document holding, quantity and type of flammable product.

The administrative support consists of two documents, an itemised current list drawn up for each department/institution and a summary of the school’s total holding.


Stocktaking of the amount stored under KTH’s framework permit is performed separately from any of the school’s own permits and for each school, in accordance with the permit that accompanies the amount stored. The itemised list for each part of the operation must be produced every six months or more frequently with due reference to the operation’s circumstances, structure or direction. In conjunction with the itemised list, a summary is produced of the school’s total amount of flammable products.

Take care to state the specific room/lab, etc. and whether it is a fixed gas installation or tubes.
Stocktaking of flammable products for each school/building (Inventering av brandfarlig vara skolvis/byggnadsvis)


Stocktaking is reported by submitting the itemised list and the summary to the security group by email (function button in the checklist).


The safety function at KTH and the school must jointly follow up on the amount reported and, in the event of any deviation, analyse the cause, evaluate and correct so that the amount stored balances with the stock.

Documentation of the completed stocktake must be archived at the school and made available in the event of a fire safety inspection.