The Electrum Laboratory – plans ahead
On April 1, the Electrum Laboratory's long-time director, Nils Nordell, will retire. The lab's work will continue as usual. Ann Lantz takes over and tells us what's happening next.
We have spoken to the Electrum Laboratory's new Acting Director, Ann Lantz:
"I am the acting director until we recruit a new permanent director."
When is a permanent director expected to be in place?
"I have started writing an advertisement which I hope we can publish as soon as possible. I hope that we will have someone in place by early fall."
"The group at the lab is understaffed, so we will also advertise for a research engineer."
What else is happening at the lab?
"We are also participating in an extensive application to get the fourth pilot line within Chips JU. We are seeking about SEK 50 million for KTH to set up and run the development of SiC power transistors."
"We also have a newly started collaboration between KTH, Lund University and Chalmers University of Technology to contribute to the EU's semiconductor investment."
"Other than that, the activities of the many competent employees associated with the Electrum Laboratory continue as usual."