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An update from the Head of School

Published Feb 21, 2023

Ann Lantz reflects on her first few weeks as Acting Head of School and shares what she wants to focus on in 2023. That includes finance, leadership and better All Employee Meetings.

Hi Ann, how have the first few weeks as Acting Head of School been?

"They’ve been very intense but also much fun. I have worked in parallel with pending issues and planned regarding e.g. the school's operational plan, meeting structures and internal communication."

Just about the same time you started, President Anders Söderholm announced several measures linked to KTH's organisation and finances. How will this affect the EECS?

"It will affect all schools at KTH. Much is connected to our offices and buildings. We are doing a major review of KTH's premises and whether there is an opportunity to make the way we use our premises more efficient. We will most likely have to terminate some lease contracts. We are also investigating the possibility of increasing our education volume, but this must be done wisely so that our teachers are not overburdened."

What measures will you focus on during 2023?

"We are working on the school's operational plan right now. Even though that stretches to 2025 our current focus is on priorities for 2023. We have several tasks connected to education. Finance and management will also be important."

"Added to this we are also working on improving our internal leadership communication. We will launch a new blog, and we will give our All Employee Meetings a boost by switching to English and having greater variety in both content and presenters. With this, I hope to reach out to all our employees, especially our many doctoral students."

Lars Nordström steps in as deputy head of school. How will you work together?

"We have both worked as deputy heads of schools with different areas of responsibility. I have focused on education and Lars on faculty renewal. There is currently no reason to distribute this differently. However, we will collaborate even closer now and be in close contact on various school matters."

Who will take over your job as Director of First and Second Cycle Education?

"The school has an advertisement out where we are looking for a replacement. Markus Hidell has been appointed Acting Director of First and Second Cycle Education."

What are you most looking forward to in your job as a school principal?

"To collaborate with all the competent and pleasant employees here at the school and at KTH!"