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Our future is too important for everyone not to be part of it

Sonja Berlijn.

International women's day

Published Mar 08, 2021

On this international women's day, Sonja Berlijn, Head of School writes about equality and diversity at EECS and KTH.

I have a dream – by 2050 we should not only have solved some of the largest challenges the human race is facing, but I dream of a world that is filled with justice, equity and equality. I dream that at least 50% of the people working with the solutions are talented women who are thriving in innovation and STEAM (Science, Technology, Art and Mathematics) and using their expertise to innovate for a higher good. Why? Because we need to innovate at a pace faster than ever before and this can only be achieved by more innovators and by a greater diversity in the innovation teams.

To be able to achieve this dream we should put bright women in the spotlight, show which huge impact they have, we should inspire, encourage, challenge and support more women to study at KTH. Women shouldn’t be bystanders while we are solving the largest challenges, they should be taking active part in finding the solutions!

To be able to find more innovators and engineers we need to inspire the groups that are least represented at KTH. We need to make sure that the salaries and workplaces are attractive and fair, with an excellent work-life balance.

It was 100 years ago that the first woman entered KTH as a regular student, it shouldn’t take another 100 years for us to reach the goal of 50% women at KTH.

Our future is too important for everyone not to be part of it.

Learn more about the KTH project GIANTS to recruit and inspire female and non-binary students.

Sonja Berlijn will be Head of School full time from 12 April.