Hello there, Sara Johansson!
New digitalised meeting rooms

The work of digitising EECS is in full swing. In April, we upgrade our meeting rooms to become more digital, an important sub-goal in the so-called premises project. We have asked Sara Johansson, the project manager, to give us more details.
“In April ten rooms on our two campuses will receive new equipment to make it easier to hold hybrid meetings via Zoom rooms. As responsible for the school's premises project, I see this as an important intermediate goal in becoming more digitalised and standardised.”
How do I book the rooms?
“When it comes to the school's common meeting rooms, you make your booking via Outlook. You will find manuals in the meeting rooms with new equipment to start your hybrid meeting quickly. IT support and the technical support group will help if you need so.”
Is there anything more in the premises project that we employees will notice this spring?
“As the meeting rooms get new technology, we have completed the project’s first stage. I hope that the school management will soon decide on the coming stages described in the project summary of the premises project - premises for sustainable employees.”
“The managment has also recieved a premises supply plan for the school. This plan presents an overall picture of the division's different needs for premises - both in the short and long term.”
“There is also a workshop series on the theme of well-being. This work with architects will result in construction documents for four test environments in some of our common areas to help the management decide on possible implementation. In other words, the premises project is a large project with many sub-goals. To be continued!”