Get to know Karl at HR
The University administration staff

When Karl is not supporting the school's divisions with personnel administration, he throws the occasional piece of paper at an HR colleague or organises an after-work. He gave up playing the saxophone; he felt sorry for the neighbours.
In the HR unit, Karl and his colleagues support EECS' divisions with personnel administration. They support with recruitment, work environment issues, introduction and managerial support.
Karl started his career at KTH in 2019 at the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) and transferred to EECS in January 2022. What Karl finds most enjoyable is that he gets to work with people daily and help them with various issues.
"I really enjoy helping new employees who are not from Sweden to settle in a new country. We are their link and help them with authority contacts, among other things. I have learned more about how it works in Sweden and that establishing a life here is not as smooth as you might think."
Karl supports the Division of Software and Computer Systems (SCS), the Division for Computational Science and Technology (CST) and the Electrum laboratory in Kista.
"I help them, among other things, with writing contracts, contacts with authorities and employee certificates."
What Karl likes most about his job is being able to help people and make a difference.
"It's really satisfying when you finish a case and understand the difference it makes for the organisation, such as when a long-drawn-out recruitment ends."
Throws paper balls
HR issues are very much about well-being at work, so Karl shared what he does to have fun at work.
"We have perfect group cohesion. We have an open-minded atmosphere and support each other in various matters. It is great fun to come to work with the colleagues I have."
Karl likes to joke with his HR colleagues.
"Teasing is fun! I like to throw a piece of paper at someone to get attention or scare someone."
When he's not scaring the wits out of his colleagues, they like to go for a drink after work.
Felt sorry for the neighbours
When Karl is not working, it's all about music, both listening and playing instruments.
"I constantly listen to everything from indie pop to Arabic, French, Italian and Japanese music."

He is also learning to play the guitar but gave up his career as a saxophone player.
"I tried the saxophone for a while, but it sounded horrible, so I stopped because I felt so sorry for the neighbours."
Karl also tries to go on a hiking trip once a year. The highlight was when he and his friends hiked and camped at Sarek.
"It was a super trip - a genuine expedition!"