Sold-out course within Lifelong learning

During the last week of November, the lifelong learning course "RF Measurements - a course in applied spectrum and network analysis" took place. The course, which was intended for professional engineers within radio measurement technology, was a success.
During the last week of November, Claes Beckman at the Division of Communication Systems and Per Ängskog, a former doctoral student at the Division of Electromagnetic Engineering, gave the lifelong learning course "RF Measurements - a course in applied spectrum and network analysis".
The course is intended for professional engineers within in radio measurement technology. It is very popular and is aimed at companies and authorities that use and develop radio and radar systems.
"We have run this course for ten years, and it is always sold out", says Beckman. "It is an excellent example of how KTH, through lifelong learning, is relevant to Swedish industry and authorities."
During this year's course, around 30 students from, among others, Ericsson, Saab, Northvolt, ABB, the Aviation Authority (Luftfartsverket) and the Swedish Defence Research Agency participated.
The course is a collaboration between KTH and the measuring equipment supplier Rohde Schwarz, where KTH provides the teaching and Rohde&Schwarz provides the equipment.