”What’s in a name… ”(*)
By the Head of school at EECS
Head of School professor Jens Zander writes about the new school name.
The working group has in its final report proposed the working name “School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science” with the acronym EECS.
The Swedish translation has been updated to be “Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap”. One key reason for choosing what, by some, can be seen as a “dull” name, is that it provides great international “brand recognition” – it matches very well what an outside observer would expect from a school with that name.
The fact that some of the leading institutions in our field, such as MIT and UC Berkeley, use the same acronym, also signals what school we want to be in. Although there has been no formal process to decide the name, the proposal has found wide-spread acceptance among the Heads of Departments and we have received only positive feedback at our “All-Employee Meetings”.
Therefore we have asked the KTH President to prepare a presidential decision to this effect. This means that the “EECS” name will become official within two weeks. If deemed necessary, there will be an opportunity to revisit the name issue this spring, when we are preparing the School’s new development plan.
*"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet