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Communication and dissemination

The communication and dissemination activities must already be part of the proposal (either as a specific work package for communication or by including them in another work package). They are taken into consideration as part of the evaluation of the criterion 'impact'.

A comprehensive plan for communication and dissemination should define clear objectives (adapted to various relevant target audiences) and set out a description and timing for each activity.



Communication means taking strategic and targeted measures for promoting the action itself and its results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public, and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange. The aim is to reach out to society as a whole and in particular to some specific audiences while demonstrating how EU funding contributes to tackling societal challenges.


Dissemination is the public disclosure of the results of the project in any medium. Disclosure may sound passive, like a shop opening up, but it is an activity, like a shopkeeper attracting customers. It is a process of promotion and awareness-raising right from the beginning of a project.

It makes research results known to various stakeholder groups (like research peers, industry and other commercial actors, professional organisations, policymakers) in a targeted way, to enable them to use the results in their own work. This process must be planned and organised at the beginning of each project, usually in a dissemination plan.


Exploitation is the use of the results during and after the project’s implementation. It can be for commercial purposes but also for improving policies, and for tackling economic and societal problems.

Read more about exploitation on KTH's web .

There's often some overlap between dissemination, exploitation and communication, especially for close-to-market projects.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Dec 17, 2020
Data Management Plans
Research ethics concerning applications to Horizon Europe
Communication and dissemination
TRL - Technology Readiness Level
Exploitation and Intellectual Property
Open access