Go to “More security settings” and then “Install from device storage”
Select “CA Certificate” and select “Install Anyway”.
Navigate to the folder where the certificate was downloaded, usually the Downloads folder and select the certificate “certificate.ug.kth.se.public.cer” and click “Done”
Configure VPN
Go to “Settings” and then “Connections”
Select “More Connection Settings” and then “VPN”
Click on the three dots at the top right and select “Add VPN Profile”
Fill in settings according to:
Name: VPN to KTH
Type: IKEv2/IPSec MSCHAPv2
Server address: wiks-vpn.ug.kth.se
IPSec CA certificate: cn=certificate.ug.kth.se
Username: Your KTH username
Password: Your KTH account password
Click “Save”
Access to KTH LAN VPN
You need to be an active student or employee to be able to use KTH LAN VPN.
Read more about the service here:
To be able to use VPN, you need to download and configure the VPN client.
Start the app and choose to add a new connection with the server address vpn-mobile.lan.kth.se
Choose to connect by tapping AnyConnect VPN.
Use the following login details that are available here
login.sys.kth.se/peapshow.html Username: your own username@kth.se Password: your personal Network secret