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Information about IT-service "IT-workplace KTH Mac".


KTH Mac is the IT Workplace for Mac at KTH. KTH Mac is updated regularly and is always based on the latest available macOS that meets our requirements for security and stability. The service was launched in the spring of 2015. You can find what we offer under the Scope.


  • KTH Mac is a stable solution for macOS users at KTH, both among employees and in computer rooms, both for desktop computers and laptops.
  • KTH Mac is designed to be a KTH adapted and flexible system that is not locked down (except in computer rooms) and that should fit and function as a base for all users, all needs and all schools.
  • In addition, we offer operational support.


Included in the service

  • Advice on the purchase of a computer
  • Installation of computer
  • Installation and maintenance of KTH-licensed software and applications
  • Self-service software installation portal
  • Backup of local data
  • Installation of KTH Print
  • Automatic security updates
  • Support via reception desk, phone, e-mail, remote administration and on site with users at KTH

In addition, it includes what employees and students normally have access to, i.e. personal home directory on the file server, e-mail, shared project areas, resources such as printing services, and more.


  • The service is only available for computers used in the service at KTH
  • Access to backup is only given if you have the KTH Mac service.
  • User support only covers resources for the computer and the services that ITA provides.
  • Support is provided during KTH IT-Support's opening hours.
  • Physical support on the computer takes place at KTH.
  • The service does not include application support.

Service levels

KTH Mac - personal computer

  • Connection to KTH's support system with automatic maintenance of the computer, access to KTH resources for Mac and support.
  • The KTH Self Service self-service program with access to the installation of licensed software, help with self-support and access to IT documentation.
  • Access to KTH's system with configurations for Eduroam, VPN, ssh-access and Kerberos
  • Central services such as Work at Home for KTH Windows (access to the Windows platform)
  • Prints via KTH Print and possibly local printing solutions
  • Backup of local data on the computer wherever you are (provided network is available).

This level is excellent for running on self-administered computers as well.


We do not provide local customization beyond printing solution.

KTH Mac - computer room

  • The same basic services as in Personal computer, but adapted for computer rooms.
  • In order to have a uniform educational environment, the self-service portal KTH Self Service is discontinued.
  • Selection and installation of software takes place after agreement with the course leader and the needs of the courses.

This solution is in production in the computer rooms at EECS School.


  • Students and course leaders are not allowed to install programs on the computers in computer rooms.
  • In order to achieve operational reliability on the computer, we need time to test the software to be installed. Ordering software therefore needs to be done in good time according to Order software for a course in a computer room .



User 600 kr / month

Application packaging and distribution

Application packaging according to normal routines Included
Express packaging 5000 kr / application

KTH-Print for Schools at KTH

Fee per connected multifunction printer 350 kr / year
System configuration per hour according to the Prislista

Support and order

KTH IT-Support

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 - 16:30

Phone: +468 - 790 6600


Visiting address: Drottning Kristinas väg 4


Computers are purchased according to current procedures for each school and department.

All computers must be certified and purchased by using the self-service portal Ordering IT-Products .

Application for KTH Mac access as well as for ordering of KTH client backup  can be submitted by authorized purchaser using the ITA-ordering portal, Order IT services and licenses .

User information about KTH Mac

Here you will find information and instructions for using KTH Windows effectively in KTH's IT environment, KTH Mac .