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Recruiting with an hourly salary

Hourly pay is paid to people who are employed per hour. The following instructions are for informing about the rules that exist and to facilitate the management of hourly / remuneration appointments. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the HR staff.

Important considerations:

  • Work assignments may not be initiated or promised before the division manager and HR have approved them.
  • A confirmation of employment must always be in place before work begins.

Procedure for Hiring Hourly Employees/Contract Workers

Hourly employment and fees are primarily used for shorter assignments, such as course assistants. In general, hourly wages should be used sparingly. An hourly employee/contract worker is employed in accordance with § 5.1 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80). For longer, regular assignments, an undergraduate assistant position is recommended (applicable only to students). Read more about undergraduate assistants here.
Read more about undergraduate assistants

KTH's agreed hourly wage amount

Process description

  1. Assignment Description:
    • a) Fill out an assignment description  (attach document assignment description).
    • b) Send it to the division manager with a copy to Vhc for awareness (email or signature).
  2. New Hire or Extension:
  3. HR's Responsibilities:
    • a) Check LAS (maximum 360 days).
    • b) Request approval from the division manager via email.
    • c) Prepare an employment confirmation for signature by HR and the hourly employee.
  4. Start to work:
    • HR will inform you when the person may begin work.
  5. Time Reporting:
    • The hourly employee reports hours continuously in KTH-HR according to the guide .
    • For individual assignments or fees (e.g., opponent), the fee form is used, in the forms archive .
  6. Approval:
    • Hours will be reviewed in KTH-HR before the department head approves.

Hiring a contract worker without a personal identification number

Three different scenarios apply:

  1. Person is in Sweden for at least one year: The person must register with the population register and apply for a personal identification number from the Swedish Tax Agency.
  2. Person is in Sweden for less than six months: HR, ITM can apply for SINK (tax for non-residents). Read more about SINK here.
  3. Person is in Sweden for 6–12 months: The person can apply for preliminary income tax (A-tax) with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Processing Time

It takes about eight weeks for the Swedish Tax Agency to process the matter. The person will then receive a coordination number instead of a personal identification number.