FAQ KTH Digicertus Exam – Planning the exam
Frequently asked questions and answers for you as a teacher or examiner who will conduct an examination with computers using the central solution, KTH Digicertus Exam.
Question compilation
Last reviewed 3 March, 2025.
To get to the questions, scroll down the page or press on the question in one of the lists in this compilation.
Before and during the examination
Last reviewed 3 March, 2025.
What information should I share with the students?
On the student web there is a page with information on exams in computer rooms are conducted, please encourage your students to read it. Examination in computer rooms, student guide .
The information in the guide needs to be supplemented with specific information for the exam. You will find a summary of what may be relevant to inform about on the page: Information to communicate to students .
How can I prepare students for a lockdown exam?
One way to prepare students is to have them take a “test exam” in a locked-down computer room before the actual exam. This gives students the opportunity to test the structure and will probably feel more confident before the actual exam. You can take full advantage of the test exam by letting it contain review material that also helps students prepare for the exam in terms of content.
How do I recieve support to set up a Canvas Quiz or Assignment correctly?
The intranet's pages about Canvas contain information and guides for creating and working with Canvas. If you want personal guidance, contact e-learning@kth.se .
Read more about:
Will the exam invigilators be trained to handle digital exams?
No, currently only information about examinations in computer rooms is included in the training of invigilators. Invigilators are not expected to handle technical problems during examinations in computer rooms.
I want to have all or part of the exam scanned, how does it work?
If you want to conduct an exam with both digital and handwritten answers, it is possible to scan the exams to Canvas as with a regular paper exam. Then you get the exams to Canvas using KTH Import Exams. Read more about Scanned exams to Canvas .
What do I do if a computer doesn't work?
Always book more computers than there are students, so you can move a student in case there is computer trouble. Usually there is only one computer that has problems, not all.
If several computers have troubles, contact IT support. The IT support number is 08-790 66 00.
For more questions and answers about an ongoing exam, read FAQ KTH Digicertus Exam – Ongoing exam .
What do I do if the lockdown doesn't start automatically?
The lockdown should start automatically approximately 25 minutes before the start of the writing time. Contact IT support if the computers have not switched to SEB mode 15 minutes before the scheduled time. The IT support number is 08-790 66 00.
For more questions and answers about an ongoing exam, read FAQ KTH Digicertus Exam – Ongoing exam .
What routine should I follow for technical problems?
In the event of technical problems for several students, the examiner or teacher on duty is contacted to make a decision on how the problem should be handled. If one student has a problem, take it easy! Ask the student to try to log in again, then try to change the computer. If the problem is not solved within 5 minutes, contact the examiner or teacher on duty who takes the help of IT support and decides on any extended writing time for that student.
For more questions and answers about an ongoing exam, read FAQ KTH Digicertus Exam – Ongoing exam .
Ensuring correct execution of the exam
Last reviewed 3 March, 2025.
How do I ensure that students are actually in the computer room when they take the exam?
The exam invigilator will have an attendance sheet as well as do an ID check on the students in the room. When assessing in Canvas, double check the list. If cheating is suspected, it is possible to check the logs afterwards, for example to control the IP addresses. In quizzes, it is possible to also limit what IP addresses it is possible to submit from and it is possible to activate an access code that the invigilators conveys to the students in the computer room.
Read more about Settings for examining quiz .
How do I ensure that it is the students in the computer room who submit the answers? As a person outside the room can log into Canvas using someone else's account
Canvas saves the IP addresses of the responses in logs that can be checked afterwards. In quizzes, it is also possible to also limit what IP addresses it is possible to submit from. In Canvas quizzes, it is possible to set a password that is required to open the quiz. The exam invigilator writes the password on the board to make sure only students in the room knows it. Just like in a regular exam, students cannot communicate with students outside the room as they only have access to Canvas on the computers.
Read more about Settings for examining quiz .
If students hand in early, how do I know that they do not submit new answers later?
The assignment can be locked to only take one submission. It is also obviously in Canvas if a student has made several submissions. The assignment should be set so it is closed for assignments after the exam time has passed.
How can I lock the computers so that students only have access to Canvas?
When you book the examination, ask to have the computers locked down. The computers are automatically started with the lockdown and local teacher support or the invigilators check before the exam that the lockdown has been activated.
How do I limit students' access to course materials in the regular course room during exams?
You are recommended to restrict the navigation menu for the ordinary course room in Canvas so that the students do not have access to course material. To do this, go to the navigation tab in the course rooms settings, read more about Navigation .
Can I unpublish the course room during the exam so that students cannot access the course material there?
No, the course room cannot be unpublished. Instead, it is recommended that you limit the course menu by going to the navigation tab in the course room settings, read more about Navigation .
Student activity is also logged in Canvas.
How do I ensure that students only see their own screen?
Book a computer room large enough so that students can use the computers at a reasonable distance from each other.
If students can see each other's screens, how do I ensure that they can't share answers with each other?
Create the exam so that each student gets a unique exam wording, for example with random questions.
Read more about Randomize assignments during examinations .