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Time before and initiation of the programme

The Education of the Future change programme will be initiated in autumn 2022. At that time, the framework will be integrated into the operational plan, a programme management team will be appointed and a programme coordinator will be appointed. The initiation was preceded by a study commissioned by the Education Board and headed by President Sigbritt Karlsson. The need for a strategic long-term investigation had been identified even before the pandemic.

Timeline 2019-2027: initiation marked from autumn 2022-start 2023. In Swedish
With an appointed programme management and programme coordinator, the Future Education programme is initiated. (Overview of timeline is in Swedish)

Investigations by the board of Education

 At the end of 2019, the need for a strategic long-term investigation of KTH's future education programmes was identified. But then came the corona pandemic and the work was delayed.

In the operational plan for 2021, President Sigbritt Karlsson gives 2 assignments: The Vice president for Education and the board of Education (UN) is given assignments concerning the future of education. At the same time, the Vice president for Digitalisation is given an assignment on the digitalisation of education. To avoid duplication of work, the two assignments were merged into one assignment run by UN.

In February 2022, the UN working group delivers the report "A framework for the future of education at KTH" (V-2021-0870 ks code 2.2) to President Sigbritt Karlsson.

The so-called "framework report" consists of two parts: an analysis part and a part that presents a proposal for a framework with 13 principles  for the organisation and structure of how KTH should work with educational development in line with  (In Swedish).

During the spring, the principles are discussed in various arenas and groupings for educational development at KTH.

On 14 June 2022, President Sigbritt Karlsson decides on the principles for the future educationat KTH (V-2022-0380)  after the principles have been slightly modified (names and definitions).

Change programme for educational development initiated

In autumn 2022, it will be discussed how the principles can be integrated into KTH's business plan at schools and in KTH-wide networks. See assignments linked to the operational Plan for KTH 2023-2025.  (In Swedish)

On 14 November 2022, the University Director makes a decision on programme management for the future education at KTH (V-2022-0716) : The assignments as programme manager (Joakim Lilliesköld) and deputy programme manager (Anna Jerbrant and Gunnar Tibert) are valid from 1 December 2022 and until 30 June 2025 at the latest.

On 1 December 2022, the Programme Management Team  formally starts its work.

On 1 January 2023, Per Fagrell starts in his role as Programme Coordinator.

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Last changed: May 15, 2023