Programme management for Future Education at KTH
The change programme Future Education at KTH is led and coordinated at a KTH-wide level by programme management consisting of three programme managers, a coordinator and a communicator.
Decision on programme mangagment for Future Education at KTH V-2024-0830 (Swedish)
Programme management tasks
The programme managers' joint tasks are mainly to:
Identify the need for change;
Prioritise activities that drive educational development forward;
Facilitate experience-sharing, learning and value-creation activities within the programme;
Propose, prioritise and anchor proposals for development projects and School- and University Administration joint ventures within the programme;
Follow up on development projects and investments and their development within the programme;
Communicate the programme and its development internally and externally.
Programme management
As of 1 November 2024, there has been a change of programme manager.
Programme manager
Deputy programme managers
The mission of a Deputy Programme Manager is 10-20% of full time.
Assistant programme managers
The mission of a Assistant Programme Manager is up to 10% of full time.
Support to the programme management
The support for the programme managers has since the programme management's appointment in December 2022 to two full-time in 2024.
Programme coordinator
Programme communicator