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The Pages function in Canvas

Canvas Pages are the internal web pages of a course. KTH recommends that course information is added to a Canvas page instead of being shared through a document. Pages can contain text, images, videos, links, lists, tables, mathematical notations and a lot more.

The text editor in Canvas (RCE)

The text editor in Canvas is called Rich Content Editor (RCE) and is used by all functions in Canvas.

If you would like to know more about it you can read about the RCE on Canvas Community.  

Note! Always use the built-in features to import images, files and special characters. If you copy anything other than plain text into the text editor, there is a risk that it will not be saved correctly.

Pages instead of documents

When you as a teacher is planning on creating or adding a downloadable document for your students, KTH recommends that you instead create a page in Canvas. This is both for increased accessibility and to ensure that students can read the latest version of the information instead of outdated information that they downloaded at a previous time.

Scheduled publication

The publication of pages can be scheduled for a chosen date and time, as an alternative to you publishing them manually. You can schedule the publication under "options" when you edit the page.

Restore course content

When changes in course content go wrong, courses accidentally gets reset or course materials are deleted, there are ways to restore and undo changes in Canvas. You can do a lot yourself, but more complicated recoveries require the involvement of IT support.

Restore and recover course content in Canvas

Video tutorial on Pages

Canvas has a video that goes through how assignments are created and edited. Timestamps for the information are below the video, and there is a text version of the video ( .

Timestamps for the information in the video

  • 00:15 - Open pages, create new page.
  • 00:35 - Add content, options.
  • 01:15 - Index page for Pages, publish pages.
  • 01:55 - Options (three dots). Edit, delete, duplicate.
  • 02:15 - Front page.
  • 02:35 - Version history of a page.

Insert symbols and mathematical expressions in Canvas

To write symbols, equations and mathematical expressions in Canvas, you can use the Canvas Math Editor, which has both ready-made expressions and accepts LaTeX. You can also write LaTeX directly in the Canvas text editor in two ways. The expressions that are created are accessible and work better than if they would be uploaded as images or files.

Read more about Insert symbols and mathematical expressions in Canvas .

Student-editable collaboration areas with pages

When pages are created, you can choose who is allowed to edit the page. The setting is underneath the text editor. The standard is “only teachers” but it is also possible to choose “teachers and students” or “anyone”. The standard can be changed under settings, but it is not something that we recommend since it carries a big risk that the students get permission to edit pages that only teachers should edit.

To create collaboration areas that students themselves can edit, you as a teacher can create a few pages where students have permission to edit and let them fill it out with information that they want to put there. It can be lecture notes, explanations to concepts, or anything else that you agree to use the pages for. It is not possible to see who edited the pages or what was changed.