Full implementation of KTH's course room template
As of Spring, 2022 all new course rooms in Canvas comes with KTH's course room template. A more uniform design in Canvas makes it easier for both students and teachers as several courses have a similar structure. Canvas is more accessible when students can focus on the course content instead of spending time learning a new navigation structure. You fill in the course content yourself according to your particular course needs, just as usual.
Easy to do right with the course room template
As of Spring 2022 (VT22) the KTH's course room template will be implemented automatically in all course rooms in Canvas.
The template is designed to simplify for teachers and students, to make it easy to do the right thing. We want to simplify the use of Canvas and encourage the use of Canvas' more pedagogically oriented parts. The course room template does this by, for example, showing as few headings as possible in the course navigation menu, which helps to give all KTH's course rooms a uniform structure, and thereby make it easier for teachers and students.
The template also contains recommendations for how the course room can be structured and information on where you as a teacher can find tips and support about Canvas, as well as several recommended settings that are missing in the empty course rooms.
The Swedish template in Canvas Commons
For technical reasons, all course rooms are created with the English template; the course will get English menues and the templates instructions and text suggestions are in English.
For those who have courses in Swedish, and want the text suggestions to students and instructions in Swedish, there is a Swedish template to download from Canvas Commons. Read more about downloading from Canvas Commons on the page KTH's templates for Canvas rooms .
You can also change the course language under "Settings" if you only want to change the menues in the course to Swedish.
Download the latest version from Canvas Commons
The template is improved and updated twice a year. The latest version of the course room template can always be downloaded from Canvas Commons.
The English template in Canvas Commons will be standard in all course rooms about 9 months after it has been updated. This is because the course rooms are created automatically in advance with the template that is available at that time. But if you download the template from Canvas Commons, you will avoid the waiting time.
Read more about downloading from Canvas Commons on the page KTH's templates for Canvas rooms .
Get started with the course room template
It is important for you as a teacher to know how the course room template is set up to be able to adapt it to your course needs. To help you along the way, E-learning has created a guide to the course room template settings .