Data informed learning at KTH
As a university, KTH strives to offer high-quality education through the efficient and effective integration of digital tools. KTH therefore recognizes the potential benefits of data informed learning for understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs. Note that data informed learning is sometimes called "learning analytics."
Use cases
Using data about learners and the learning environments in data informed learning can help us draw insights into learning, to support students and to improve many educational processes. KTH is interested in and is currently exploring the possibilities of using data informed learning in the contexts of:
- enhancing course (learning) design
- improving the course throughput
- increasing the quality of the learning provision (including e-learning support).
The primary focus of data informed learning research and implementation at KTH is to enhance student learning and improve their educational experience; in other words, Student-centricity is the guiding principle.
Student data is protected
We take utmost care of student data. We are committed to the righteous use of student data and protecting the security of data and the student's privacy. The KTH ethics committee oversees privacy and ethics compliance with a data protection impact assessment plan in progress.
For the systematic inception of data informed learning, we follow the JISC guidelines and code of practice for learning analytics: Code of practice for learning analytics ( .
We also follow the ethical policy at KTH:
- KTH Ethical Policy (PDF 136 kb) .
- Reading instructions and explanatory notes for Ethical policy for KTH (PDF 136 kb) .
Canvas New Analytics
Canvas New Analytics is a simple, built-in statistical tool that can help you keep your students on track, by providing you insights into student engagement and performance. This page explains the recommended preparations, gives some examples of how to use the tool and provides links to guides.
Canvas Data 2
Experienced API-users can use Canvas Data 2 to extract raw data from Canvas and use it in learning analytics. The tool assumes some knowledge of raw data collection and transformation. This page is intended to introduce the tool and help interested users find existing documentation, it is not a guide.