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A few places left on our short course Outcomes-based grading criteria

Published Sep 16, 2021

KTH has developed a shorter course to make it easier for teachers to implement grading criteria in their courses. All teachers interested in learning about implementing outcomes-based grading criteria and assessment are welcome to attend the course.

LH216V Develop the Learning by Using Grading Criteria - a shorter course for KTH teachers

The course will include examples on how to replace written exams with other forms of assessment, even for courses with large student groups.

Course offering in Swedish, period 2, 2021:

Meeting 1: 25 October, 13:00-16:00
Meeting 2: 8 December, 13:00-16:00
Meeting 3: 13 January 2022, 14:00-16:00

Next course offering in English, period 4, 2022:

Meeting 1: 24 March, 13:00-16:00
Meeting 2: 29 April, 09:00-12:00
Meeting 3: 8 June, 14:00-16:00

Register via LH216V:s course

Register here


Emma Lundkvist
Emma Lundkvist - Educational developer at Uppsala University

Course teacher and examinator

Course teacher and examinator is Viggo Kann , professor of Computer Science at the EECS school. He has several years of experience in using grading criteria. Other contributors to the course are Veine Haglund , master student at the CL-program, Hans Havtun , teacher at KTH and pedagogical developer, and Emma Lundkvist , expert at grading criteria from the University of Uppsala.