These web pages are mainly aimed for teaching staff at KTH. The aim is to provide information and support when developing courses, education programs, learning environments and finding pathways for teacher training and educational skills development. The main topics are; Arenas for Pedagogical Development and Networking, Higher Education pedagogy, KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (KTH SoTL) and Materials for Development Work.
Higher Education pedagogical courses
You will find information about current courses in Higher Education pedagogy and those in progress to be developed. More information and registration can be found on the basic and advanced courses pages. All basic courses are taught in English.
Welcome to an inspiring journey through the future of higher education! We invite teachers, staff, students, researchers and university management to our spring Storträff meet up.
Keynote speaker is Farazee Asif the Pedagogical Prize winner 2023
KI's Educational congress 2024 - Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education
Karolinska university welcomes KTH teachers to register to their educational congress on Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education which will take place on 2-3 oktober 2024.
SoTL is a collegial method for how teachers can develop their teaching based on current research and knowledge about learning in higher education. All employees and students at KTH who are interested in teaching and learning are welcome. The next conference is in autumn 2025.