Teaching and Learning UNITE - seminar series
“Teaching and Learning UNITE” will begin spring 2021 and continues in autumn 2021. All activities are in English. Some offers (courses) can be completed for credits.

European University Alliance welcomes all partner’s teaching staff (including Ph.D. students and postdocs involved with teaching, lecturers, other teaching staff, as well as faculty) to a series of pedagogical events, a series of activities designed to share and develop teaching and learning in an international setting.
Partner universities
The KTH Department of Learning in Engineering Science will be working together with the these partner universities: Aalto University, Finland; INP Grenoble, France; KTH, Sweden; Polito, Italy; TUDarmstadt, Germany; ULisboa, Portugal; UPC Barcelona, Spain)
Training events
The activities, courses and training events are run by pedagogical experts from the partner universities and are provided free of charge to the UNITE! community. We invite you to experience how active learning is supported at our partner universities, to meet others from all partner universities in order to develop strategies for e.g. challenges in intercultural and digital teaching, and to explore perhaps new collaborations within teaching and learning. “Teaching and Learning UNITE” begins in Spring 2021 and continues through the Autumn of 2021. All activities are online and in English. Some offers (courses) can be completed for credits.