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Workshop on High Performance Computing at KTH

KTH Digitalization Platform and PDC Center for High Performance Computing

High performance computing provides the key to analyse and solve complex problems in science and technology. On this full-day workshop, we will inspire you by research success stories listening to our international speaker Jordi Muela from Barcelona Supercomputer Center and colleagues from KTH as well as provide you information on how to get started and communicate tips and tricks from our experts on how to code best for a GPU architecture. The event is organised by the KTH Digitalisation Platform and PDC Center for High Performance Computing.

Tid: To 2024-04-25 kl 09.00 - 17.00

Plats: Arena, Teknikringen 1, KTH main campus

Språk: English


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Program (preliminary)

9.00 – 9.10 Welcome and Introduction
Tobias Oechtering, Director, KTH Digitalization Platform

9.10 – 10.15 Keynote 1
Jordi Muela, Senior Researcher, Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
One of the main developers of SOD2D, a highly efficient GPU-accelerated code for cutting-edge fluid-flow simulations scaling on several thousands of GPUs.

10.15 – 10.30 Break

10.30 – 12.00 Success Stories
1. Quantum Chemistry: Patrick Norman, Director PDC Centre for High Performance Computing. Read more here .
2. Fluid Dynamics: Outi Tammisola. Read more here .
3. Heterogeneous Systems: Ivy Peng. Read more here .
4. Biomolecular simulations: Alessandra Villa. Read more here .
5. Visualisation: Tino Weinkauf, InfraVis. Read more here  and here .

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.00 Keynote 2, Andrey Alekseenko on Modern hardware and software stacks.
14.00 – 14.30 Swedish HPC Infrastructure: Gert Svensson, Technical Director NAISS National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden. Read more here  and here .
14.30 – 14.45 EuroHPC: the pan-European HPC Infrastructure Malin Sandström, Senior Research Officer, VR, read more here .

14.45 – 15.00 Break

15.00 – 16.00 HPC Communities
1. SeRC Swedish e-Science Research Centre, Olivia Eriksson, Coordinator. Read more here. 
2. EU Centres of Excellence: Rossen Apostolov (Director BioExcel CoE), read more here , Niclas Jansson (Director CEEC CoE) read more here  and Jeremy Johnathan Williams (Project Manager Plasma-PEPSC CoE) read more here .
3. High-level specialised application support service in HPC: Peter Larsson, Team Leader EPICURE project

16.00 – 17.00 Final session with networking/mingle 


The workshop is organised by KTH Digitalisation platform and PDC (Rossen Apostolov)