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Offshore Wind Integration: Challenges, Utility Experience, and Future Plans

Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITS LC) Corporate Engagement Program (CEP) is starting a webinar series “Offshore Wind (OSW) Integration: Technologies, Challenges and Utility Best Practices”. We would like to invite you to the first webinar in the OSW Integration CEP Webinar Series! This Series is tailored to the interests of the CEP participants with the goal to share practical experiences, lessons learned, current state and vision

Tid: Fr 2022-11-18 kl 12.00 - 14.00

Plats: Webinar

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Presenters are David Borden, Senior Analyst in the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation at FERC, Suzanne Glatz, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Interregional Planning at PJM, Jacob Lucas, Director of Transmission System Planning at Eversource, and Bojana Mihić, Strateeg Offshore System Operation, Maintenance and Development at TenneT.

The webinar is free for the CEP participants and ITSLC members, but requires registration. Please follow the link to register:
