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Embedding circular concepts in a product: Does it sound easy?

Sustainable Transformation Seminars

The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2022 series second seminar is held by speaker Santanu Singha, with the title "Embedding circular concepts in a product: Does it sound easy?". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.

Tid: Fr 2022-04-29 kl 12.15 - 13.00

Plats: Online

Språk: English


Industrial Transformation Research Network researchers-indtrf@kth.se

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The Sustainable Transformation Seminars Spring 2022 series is held monthly on a Friday each month. The seminar series will continue to be online, with the hope they can turn into physical seminars as well in the future.

About the seminar

Embedding circular economy principles in new product developments and if possible, even in existing product designs is the way to go for a sustainable future. During the seminar, I will share some of my continuously evolving learnings on circular economy in a product environment, which I found intriguing, interesting, and challenging, but overall, a highly fruitful, motivating and satisfying learning experience till date.

I will highlight the need of setting a good ambition level when implementing circularity and a generic holistic approach to achieving your ambitions, considering the pillars of “People”, “Technology” and “Way of Working”. During the talk, I will also very briefly touch upon ABB’s circularity framework and motivation.

About Santanu Singha

Santanu Singha. Photo: Corporate Research ABB

Currently, I manage a team called Material Technology & Energy Storage at Corporate Research, ABB located in Västerås, Sweden. Our team delivers R&D projects for ABB’s businesses and includes activities addressing ABB’s sustainability and circularity goals. In addition, I am a contributor to ABB’s circular ambitions by being a member in a business-led global strategic team that is engaged in defining circular strategies and implementing circular targets.

Personally, I am an electrical engineer by training and for the past 15 years, I am working in the electrical industry to develop and implement innovative materials/manufacturing solutions in electrical products.

Contact: santanu.singha@se.abb.com


About the Sustainable Transformation Seminars