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Joint Research Seed Fund: The University of Manchester, KTH, and Stockholm University

Publicerad 2023-05-16

The University of Manchester (UoM), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Stockholm University (SU) are pleased to announce the third round of our joint research seed fund to support collaborative research projects. The aim of the fund is to catalyse new collaborations and in the longer term to build global teams with the capability to secure external funding to continue their research.

This fund is open to all areas and we encourage applicants from any discipline to submit proposals.

This initiative stems out of a series of meetings between the senior leadership teams and an online workshop for academic staff which took place in December 2020. Further workshops were held in Stockholm in April 2022 and six key research areas were identified in which to develop collaborations:

  • Digital trust, privacy and security
  • Sustainability and circular economy
  • Molecular biosciences
  • Water
  • Inequalities in higher education
  • Quantum science

Applicants are encouraged to develop cross- disciplinary projects with attention to complementary areas including e.g. social science, behavioural science, environmental science, research ethics etc.

We will give priority to trilateral proposals (involving all three partners) but strong bilateral projects are also encouraged. Please note that UoM must be a partner in any bilateral project i.e. a KTH and SU bilateral project would not be eligible for this call.

If you are looking for collaborators at one of the partner universities, please get in touch with us
(contact details at the end of the document) and we will help identify researchers with similar interests. Proposals will be assessed and recommended for selection by a panel composed of academic staff from all three partners.

Deadline for submission: Wednesday 14 June (12 noon UK time, 1 pm Swedish time)

Application form

Information on the Joint Research Seed Fund (University of Manchester's website)
