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Mistra SAMS Kitchen Talks

Welcome to hear talks on "Public Policy Instruments and Mobility Providers’ Business Models – Are Sticks and Carrots Leading to Climate-Neutral and Just Transport?" by Erika Kriukelyte, KTH and on "How policy shapes the mobility service business, and how to understand the services from an Avoid-Shift-Improve systems perspective", by Hampus Berg Mårtensson, KTH

Tid: On 2023-02-01 kl 12.00 - 13.00

Plats: Online

Medverkande: Hampus Berg Mårtensson and Erika Kriukelyte, KTH

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The first presentation is based on the conference papaper written by Erika Kriukelyte, Jana Sochor and Anna Kramers on the interplay between business models and public policies. The impacts and implications of policy instruments explored and discussed in shaping conditions for sustainable urban mobility. The qualitative research comprising case studies of two new mobility service providers (Bolt and Tier) operating in three Northern European cities (Oslo, Stockholm, and Berlin) show that their business models are influenced by legitimization on the national level, the local authorities’ approach, and policy instruments related to the right to operate, including caps, geographic coverage, parking, geofencing, and data sharing. Utilizing sustainable transition perspectives, the findings are discussed in relation to the use of public space and accessibility.

The second presentation introduces how mobility and accessibility services could come to affect passenger car-travel in an urban context, from a systems perspective based on the Avoid-Shift-Improve principles. The effects of mobility and accessibility services are thus explored with regards to their effects on avoiding transport altogether, shifting to modes other than passenger cars and improvement of environmental performance when cars are used. In addition, the effects are categorized with regards to their being direct, enabling and systemic. The work is based on workshops together with researchers and stakeholders concerned with mobility and accessibility services, as well as a literature study.