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SUF Sustainable Urban Farming Forum

Research for a sustainable food system in urban environments

Sustainable Urban Farming is a research project which will assess and analyze current and emerging urban farming systems with the aim to develop more resilient and sustainable food systems in urban environments.

Tid: Ti 2023-05-30 kl 08.30 - 13.30

Plats: Openlab KTH Valhallavägen 79

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Welcome to a forum and lunch to share developments and exchange ideas about urban farming and local food systems. Link for Registration: forms.office.com/e/6ZAL8X2mTB

Preliminary schedule (to be updated/confirmed)
8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
Welcome/Results and Insights from Vinnova Project Sustainable/Resilient Urban Agriculture (Michael Martin and Rebecka Milestad)
Inspiration and Experiences from the FOODE Project (Francesco Orsini, University of Bologna)
Foodscapes and Digital Food Systems (Mohsen Farhangi, Linköping University)
Journey and Experiences from Stadsbruk in Malmö (Saba Nazarian, The Culinary Farmer)
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:30 Group Discussions (Chosen in invite/registration)
11:30-12:10 Panel Discussion with experts from Academia, Uban Agriculture Firms, Local Government
12:10-12:20 Introduction to Lunch (Elvira Molin)
12:20-13:30 Lunch highlighting urban agricultural products from Stockholm Region

We look forward to collaborating and creating a space for continued discussions in this area.