Accelerating industrial decarbonisation post COP26 through collaboration and innovation
KTH Climate Action Centre and the CBH School welcomes you to a lecture by Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Champion and Director of UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre, Associate Principal (Global Sustainability) and Director of the Research Centre for Carbon Solutions (RCCS) at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
Tid: On 2021-11-24 kl 10.00 - 11.00
Plats: U31, Brinellvägen 26 and zoom:
You are welcome to join at campus KTH in room U31, Brinellvägen 26, or via zoom .
Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer (FRSE, FIChemE, FRSC, FRSA, FEI) is Champion and Director of the UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC) focused on accelerating the transition to net zero of the UK largest industrial clusters and establishing the first world net-zero industrial cluster. Mercedes is also Associate Principal (Global Sustainability) and Director of the Research Centre for Carbon Solutions (RCCS) at Heriot-Wat University.
Her internationally recognised track record covers energy systems, CCUS, integration of hydrogen technologies and low carbon fuels. She has over 550 publications, including editor of 4 books and 15% of her publications are in top 10% most cited worldwide.
She has held appointments at the University of Kentucky (1997-1998), Pennsylvania State University (1998-2004) and University of Nottingham (2005-2012). She joined Heriot-Watt University in 2012 as the first Robert Buchan Chair in Sustainable Engineering and has been Director of the cross-university Energy Academy and Head of the Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, and Assistant Deputy Principal (Research and Innovation). She is Director of RCCS that is a world leading multidisciplinary centre delivering innovation for the wider deployment of low-carbon energy systems required for meeting net-zero targets. Mercedes is also Associate Principal for Global Sustainability at Heriot-Watt University overseeing the environmental sustainability effort across our global campuses and working with partners to achieve global carbon reduction targets.
Mercedes holds leading positions in professional societies and editorial boards and has received numerous international prizes and awards, including 2021 ACES-Margarita Salas Prize, 2020 WES Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) Sustainability, 2019 IET Transport Innovation Award, 2019 Scottish Women Award - Services to Science and Technology, 2019 Honorary Doctorate by TU Delft, 2018 SRUK/CERU Merit Award, 2013 Hong-Kong University Mong Distinguished Fellowship, 2011 RSC ESED Early Career Award, 2009 Philip Leverhulme Prize, 2005 US Department of Energy Award for Innovative Development, 1997 Ritchie Prize, 1996 Glenn Award- Fuel Chemistry American Chemical Society, 1993 ICI Chemical & Polymers Group Andersonian Centenary Prize. Her research portfolio also includes a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Award.
Contact person:
Francisco Javier Vilaplana Domingo